
The Inspiration
I was brought up in a studio in brixton around garage and reggae, I'm a drummer used to play in bands
I started to produce my own music quite young,
I started my own business as a stonemason restoring old period property's and that took over my dj career I've been help back on my music so much over the years , I started to do free parties and they got bigger every event unfortunately it got in the way with my work career and covid stopped it completely, i went to uni and got my sound engineer degree to push me on in the scene got my cap n gown very proud moment for me , I've bought a state of the art Element 5 sound system 30 k running of Linear research amps if I did not do my degree then I would not be able to use these amps they are something very special ,
I like to think I've got something different when I mix I can also scratch and beat juggle, I'm playing at a charity event with dj vibes dj hixxy and cally n juice
Il hope to get my set recorded and filmed to ,
I'm very against the sync button so there will be no cheating or quantization at all ,
Thank you very much for your time
Hope to hear back from you
My real name is Laurence bedingham
Lau bedingham on Facebook
I'm 36 I live in beautiful Cornwall where we do the free parties and around the south west .
My sound system is called Rambunctious
It used to be called Resionious
If you would like to check it out its a custom one off neon blue colour too the only one I've ever seen so far .
Peace love and unity The Genres
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